July 2021 Brand Ambassador of the Month, 2art.chambers!

Follow @2art.chambers
Q: Tell us a little about yourself! What is the inspiration behind your Instagram page?
Hello! I am Lauralee Chambers a mom to 3 fabulous grown children and art educator to over 950 students, K-5. I just finished my 27th year in the Mt. Pleasant School District in Westchester, NY! I love teaching art because I get to inspire wonder, nurture ideas and witness creation each day! My daughter encouraged me to start IG about 3 years ago as a way to connect with and support other art teachers, to share my experience, and to gain new inspiration at this stage in my career!
Q: What is your favorite product of ours that you have tried? We would love to hear more about why you love this product, and if you have any tips or tricks when using it?
I discovered your company at the NAEA Convention in New York City back in 2017. I took home two Kwik Stix tempera sticks samples and kept them all to myself until it was time to order in April for the upcoming school year. I ordered 6 sets of the 24 packs for my students to share having no idea what I would use them for.
Today, I cannot imagine teaching without them! The Kwik Stix tempera sticks are my absolute favorite product and an essential art supply at school and home. I have very little prep time with traveling between two schools and I realized quickly that these sticks allowed for a super easy set up and clean up and helped finish project elements quickly with great satisfaction and joy every single time I made them available. I slowly built up my quantity because I never wanted to be without them! I love everything about them starting with the variety of vibrant colors, smooth paint quality and coverage, ease of use in any location, including the beach, no mess, no prep, dries in time for kids to carry it home from the same class, and the layering potential for my own personal art is outstanding! Tips and tricks I’ve used include starting with a layer of white on black or dark paper or cardboard and then adding color on top, holding the stick on an angle and using the edge of the paint to create thin lines, layering metallic colors to create incredible new colors, and using them on unusual surfaces always give great results!
Q: We started the Brand Ambassador Program in 2019, and you were one of the first to be a part of the program. It has been so much fun to watch all the amazing projects you create with your students, and how your page has grown and inspired people! What made you want to become a Brand Ambassador for The Pencil Grip?
It’s easy. I’m obsessed with your products! Children LOVE using them. I LOVE using them myself and cannot help posting what we create in hopes that it will inspire others to explore, play and create as well. I love trying new products and sharing possibilities and with your products there is no end! There are many tempera sticks on the market, but your brand is the best in color, consistent quality, creaminess and longevity. You also have many other innovative and unique specialty products that need to be highlighted including your dustless Wonder Stix, and Magic Stix markers that won’t dry out even with a cap off for 7 days! I also love your small company of great listeners who care about their customers. Thank you!!
Q: What is one of your favorite projects you have created using our products? There are so many amazing ones you have posted, and we want to know which creation stands out to you!
There are SO many, but I’m thinking of the most recent post that you highlighted where my students painted their desk barriers with Kwik Stix once we knew they were going to be removed. They were elated and the results were so gorgeous that we had to exhibit them in an outdoor space, so we made a gallery walk outside! Another favorite way I used them during covid lock down was on wood from home. I painted a huge sign with some of your Jumbo Stix, and displayed it on my lawn. It said “Stay Positive.” It lasted forever and my neighbors loved it. I also made many large posters for doctor’s offices to thank our health care workers during that time.
Q: What’s next for you? Do you have plans for summer activities or projects we can look forward to or anything in the works for the school year 2021?
My mind never stops imagining new things. I see possibilities everywhere and will start to pull my thoughts together a bit later in the summer. For now, I need to rest and enjoy my own art making and can’t wait to get my hands on the new set of 60 again!! You can count on seeing some summer Kwik Stix art on my IG for sure!

Be sure to click on the images to be brought to @2art.chambers full post to see how to create this crafts!
Crocodile Painting with Kwik Stix
Shark Painting with Kwik Stix
Turtle Paintings with Kwik Stix
Flower Paintings with Kwik Stix
Ice cream Paintings with Kwik Stix & Wonder Stix