Feature of the Month - December

Feature of the Month - December

Feature of the Month - December

December Brand Ambassador of the Month!

We are so excited to learn a little more about our featured Brand Ambassador @crawfordartroom. Elizabeth is an art educator who loves sharing her students amazing creations. She has shown her inspiration and passion of art through her Instagram page!

Follow: crawfordartroom

Q: Tell us a little about yourself! What is the inspiration behind your Instagram page?

My name is Elizabeth Crawford and I am the Lower School Art Teacher at the Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida.  I have been a teacher since 2009, both working in elementary schools and as Assistant Director of Education at the Museum of Contemporary Art.  A few years ago I started my Instagram page: CrawfordArtRoom because I wanted to show the world the amazing works that come from my students.  I love seeing what teachers and artists around the world are creating, and what better place to showcase your own students' work? Using Instagram is also an extension of my creativity and a way for me to connect not only with parents, but other educators and artists.  If I were to describe my Instagram in one word, I think it would be: Color


Q: We have loved seeing your page grow, and all the amazing projects and activities you share, and we learn so much as you incorporate art and learning into your posts! What inspired you to want to be a Brand Ambassador?

I love being a Brand Ambassador because when I am a loyal customer, I genuinely believe in what the brand offers.  There are so many art materials out there so if you find something that works for you, why not share that?  There is no "gatekeeping" in the art world!  I believe in community, and sharing products that work great is necessary for success.


Q: What is your favorite product of ours that you have tried so far?  Can you tell us more about why you love this product, and if you have any tips or tricks when using it or favorite techniques? Is there anything in particular that has helped you blend creativity, play, and learning together with your children, and any advice you can provide to others?

My favorite product to use in the classroom is the Kwik Stix!  We use these in every grade - from Pre-K through 5th!  We love using Kwik Stix because not only are they mess-free, they dry quickly, and the colors are bold and bright.  One of my favorite ways to use Kwik Stix is to layer them!  We love discovering all the various tints and shades that we can create by layering the colors. It is also nice to use Kwik Stix as a first layer of paint and students can then apply tempera paint or paint pens on top for finer details.  


Q: We love that you incorporate amazing videos of your activities on your page! What is one of your favorite projects you have created using our products? There have been so many great posts you have made, and we want to know which stands out to you! 

Oh my goodness!  Having to pick one project is so difficult, as each project that we've created using Kwik Stix have always had such great success!  I think that most recently my Kindergarteners have created a portrait of a fox using only Kwik Stix and the results came out AMAZING!  We really focussed on layering color to each depth, and the results are so impressive!  Students really enjoyed experimenting with the different shades of green and orange to color their foxes!

Q: What’s next for you? Do you have any exciting crafts or activities planned for the holiday months ahead?!

We are definitely getting ready for some winter-themed projects!  We have some polar bear and yeti portraits, winter self-portraits, and many others on the way!  We can't wait to work with all the cool colors such as blues and purples to push the theme of winter.  Anything "snow" related is coming!  We are also going to try to incorporate more of the amazing products from The Pencil Grip!

Check out these amazing projects by @crawfordartroom


Back to School Inspired Art


Pumpkin Faces


Starry Pumpkins


Rainbow Kwik Stix Collection


Mushroom Paintings


Rainbow Portraits


Colorful Snails


Large Portraits


Valentine's Day Hearts


Animal Paintings




Kwik Stix Rainbow


Rainbow Pattern