Rainy Day Activities
Although summer weather is usually beautiful, from time to time we get those rainy days! Grab some craft supplies and keep busy while being stuck inside the house. These rainy day activities will help spark creativity and keep your mind active.
Rain Drops
Materials Needed: paper or cardboard, Kwik Stix Paint, yarn, and glue
- Cut out a cloud from your paper or cardboard
- Cut out rain drops
- Paint the cloud and rain drops with Kwik Stix
- Glue one end of your yarn to a rain drop and the other to the cloud
- Repeat step 4 for each rain drop
Check out this craft on Instagram @chelseainsped
Color Sorting Activity
Materials Needed: Kwik Stix Paint, colored popsicle sticks, different colored pompoms, and cardboard
- Start by taking two pieces of cardboard and painting a rainbow stripes
- Cut slits in one piece of cardboard and circles in the other
- Put all your popsicle sticks and pompoms in a bucket
- Sort each one to its corresponding color on the cardboard
Check out this craft on Instagram @kidsplaytime.diy
Materials Needed: Kwik Stix Paint, paper, and glue
- Begin by cutting a "U" shaped piece of paper
- Paint a rainbow with Kwik Stix
- Glue painted rainbow onto a different colored piece of paper
Check out this craft on Instagram @tigerartists
Indoor Macaroni Craft
Materials Needed: sharp pencil, cardboard, hard pasta, and Wonder Stix
- Draw a cute hedgehog using your Wonder Stix
- Poke holes in the cardboard using a very sharpened pencil
- Have fun with this cute sensory project by placing pasta in the holes!
Check out this craft on Instagram @lulu__make
Raindrop Math
- Color code raindrops on the piece of paper
- Add simple equations for your little ones to solve
- The brighter the better, be as colorful as you can!
Check out this craft on Instagram @momthemage
Materials Needed: paper plate, Kwik Stix, yarn, cardboard, and glue
- Cut your paper plate in half
- Paint a rainbow with Kwik Stix
- Tie blue yard on the ends of the umbrellas to show rain
- Glue a piece of cardboard onto the umbrella to create a handle
Check out this craft on Instagram @learncraftgrow
Indoor Window Painting
- Use our washable Wonder Stix or Kwik Stix on a window or glass surface to create your masterpiece
- Have Fun!
Check out this craft on Instagram @boston_toddler_adventures
Flower Garden
- Create cardboard flowers with Kwik Stix and buttons
- Fill each empty Play Dough container with beans to create soil
- Place each flower in the container
- Enjoy your garden!
Check out this craft on Instagram @twotolove_bairantwins
Poster Creativity
Materials Needed: paper rolls, Kwik Stix, Magic Stix, and Wonder Stix
- Spread out a large piece of paper onto a table
- Go crazy and paint away!
- Be creative and have fun!
Check out this craft on Instagram @nicolehodgephoto